Christian Ethics: References

 Hung, Cheung Kwing (2010): Outline of Christian Ethics (Toronto, ON: Chinese Christian Herald Crusades). (Chinese)

Main Christian References:

Clark, David K. and Robert V. Rakestraw, eds. (1996): Readings in Christian ethics (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker), 2 volumes.

Feinberg, John S. and Feinberg, Paul D. (2010): Ethics for a brave new world, second edition (Wheaton, IL: Crossway).

Geisler, Norman L. (2010): Christian ethics: contemporary issues and options (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker).

Harrison, R.K., ed. (1994): Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian ethics (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson).

Stott, John R.W. (1990): Decisive issues facing Christians today (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell).

Supplemental Christian References:

Anderson, Kerby (2005): Christian ethics in plain language (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson).

Anderson, J. Kerby, ed. (1990): Living ethically in the ‘90s (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books).

Atkinson, David (1994): Pastoral ethics (Oxford, UK: Lion Publishing).
艾金遜著,匯思譯:《基督教應用倫理學》香港,天道2002[Chinese translation by Group Translation]

Banks, Robert and Stevens, R. Paul, eds. (1997): The complete book of everyday Christianity (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity).

Cheung, James M. and Gordon Sau-wah Siu, et al. (1999): The stand of belief in a confusing society (Hong Kong: China Alliance Press). (Chinese)

Cole, C. Donald (1982): Christian perspectives on controversial issues (Chicago, IL: Moody Press).

Colson, Charles (1993): A dance with deception (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson).

Colson, Charles (2005): Lies that go unchallenged in popular culture (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House).

Cotham, Perry C. (1979): Christian social ethics, perspectives and problems (Grand Rapids, Baker).

Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada (2008): Manual. [website:]

Chu, Jeremiah Chai-sei (2009): Good ethics (Hong Kong: Tien Dao). (Chinese)

Davis, John Jefferson (1985): Evangelical ethics: issues facing the Church today (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing).

Free Methodist Church in Canada (2003): Manual. [website:]

Hsu, John D.L. (2006): Decision and cost – a concise Christian ethics (Hong Kong: Tien Dao). (Chinese)

Hui, Edwin C., ed. (1994): Questions of right and wrong (Vancouver, BC: Regent College).

La Haye, Tim and Noebel, David (2000): Mind siege: the battle for truth in the new millennium (Nashville, TN: Word Publishing).

Lo, Ping Cheung (1992): Christian ethics: principles and applications (Hong Kong: China Alliance Press). (Chinese)

Lo, Ping Cheung (2002): Christian ethics: who is right? who is wrong? (Hong Kong: Ming Feng). (Chinese)

Ng, Esther, ed. (1978): Right or wrong (Hong Kong: Tien Dao). (Chinese)

Patey, Edward H. (1986): Questions for today (London, UK: Mowbray).

Plymouth Rock Foundation (1984): Biblical principles concerning issues of importance to Godly Christians (Plymouth, MA: Plymouth Rock Foundation).

Robertson, Pat (2004): The ten offenses: reclaim the blessings of the Ten Commandments (Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers).

Schmitt, Betsy (1997): Sticky situations: 365 devotions for kids and families (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House).

Smith, Morton and Hoffmann, R. Joseph, eds. (1989): What the Bible really says (New York, NY: Harper Collins).

So, Wing-Chi (1999): Christian ethics for the twenty-first century (Hong Kong: Fellowship of Evangelical Students). (Chinese)

Stott, John R.W., ed. (1983): The year 2000 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press).

Tan, Che Bin (1987): Discussion on New Testment ethics. (Hong Kong: Campus Evangelical Fellowship). (Chinese)

Yancey, Philip (2003): Rumours of another world: what on earth are we missing? (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan).

Christian References on Theoretical Ethics:

Barth, Karl, ed. Dietrich Braun, tr. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (1929, published in 1973, translation published in 1983): Ethics (New York, NY: Seabury Press).

Beckwith, Francis J. (2001): “Why I am not a moral relativist.” In Why I am a Christian: leading thinkers explain why they believe, ed. Norman L. Geisler and Paul K. Hoffman (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker), 15-29.

Bloesch, Donald G. (1987): Freedom for obedience, evangelical ethics in contemporary times (San Francisco, CA: Harper and Row).

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, tr. Neville Horton Smith (1955): Ethics (New York, NY: Collier).

Boyd, Craig A. (2007): A shared morality: a narrative defense of natural law ethics (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos).

Brunner, Emil, tr. Olive Wyon (1932, translation published 1937, reprint, no date): The divine imperative (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press).

Gustafson, James M. (1984): Ethics from a theocentric perspective, volume 2, Ethics and theology (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press).

Ho, Man Kei (2010): Practical Christian ethics (Hong Kong: Taosheng). (Chinese)

Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. (1983): Towards Old Testament ethics (Grand Rapids, Zondervan).

Murray, John (1957): Principles of conduct: aspects of Biblical ethics (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans).

Niebuhr, Reinhold (1963): An interpretation of Christian ethics (New York, NY: Harper and Row).

Ramsey, Paul (1967): Deeds and rules in Christian ethics (New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons).

Rendtorff, Trutz, tr. Keith Crim (1986): Ethics, vol.1. Basic elements and methodology in an ethical theology (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress).

Van Til, Cornelius (1980): Christian theistic ethics (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing).

Christian References on Issues:

Alcorn, Randy (2000): Pro-life answers to pro-choice arguments (Sisters, OR: Multnomah). [abortion]

Anderson, Bruce L. (1980): Let us make man (Plainfield, NJ: Logos International). [reproductive technology]

Badke, William B. (1991): Project Earth: preserving the world God created (Portland, OR: Multnomah). [environment]

Bailey, Lloyd R. (1987): Capital punishment: what the Bible says (Nashville, TN: Abingdon). [capital punishment]

Bauckham, Richard (1989): The Bible in politics: how to read the Bible politically (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press). [politics, social action]

Beals, Art, and Libby, Larry (1985): Beyond hunger — a Biblical mandate for social responsibility (Portland, OR: Multnomah). [social responsibility]

Bernbaum, John A., ed. (1986): Economic justice and the state (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker). [social justice]

Braun, Michael, and Rekers, George Alan (1981): The Christian in an age of sexual eclipse (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House). [sexuality]

Bristow, John Temple (1988): What Paul really said about women (New York, NY: Harper Collins). [women in church]

Bromiley, Geoffrey W. (1980): God and marriage (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans). [marriage]

Brown, Harold O.J. (1977): The reconstruction of the republic (Milford, MI: Mott Media). [politics]

Colson, Charles (2007): God and government: an insider’s view on the boundaries between faith and politics (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan). [politics]

Cosby, Michael R. (1984): Sex in the Bible: an introduction to what the Scriptures teach us about sexuality (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall). [sexuality]

Dobson, James C. and Bauer, Gary L. (1990): Children at risk: the battle for the hearts and minds of our kids (Dallas, TX: Word Publishing). [children, education]

Donahoe, Sydney L. (1990): Earth keeping (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan). [environment]

Eareckson Tada, Joni (1992]: When is it right to die? (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan). [euthanasia]

Fee, Gordon D. and Stuart, Douglas (2003): How to read the Bible for all its worth (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan). [cultural relativity]

Foster, Richard J. (1985): The challenge of the disciplined life: Christian reflections on money, sex and power (San Francisco, CA: Harper and Row). [wealth]

Fowler, Robert Booth (1982): A new engagement: evangelical political thought, 1966-1976 (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans). [politics]

Goldberg, George (1984): Reconsecrating America (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans). [politics]

Griffiths, Paul J. (2004): Lying: an Augustinian theology of duplicity (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos). [principles]

Klusendorf, Scott (2009): The case for life: equipping Christians to engage the culture (Wheaton, IL: Crossway). [abortion, reproductive technology]

Koop, C. Everett (1987): To live or die? Facing decisions at the end of life (Ann Arbor, MI: Vine Books). [euthanasia]

Krutza, William J., and Di Cicco, Philip P. (1975): Facing your nation: discussions on Christian responsibility in national life (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker). [social responsibility]

Kwan, Kai-man (2000): Reflection on human rights and homosexuality (Hong Kong: China Alliance Press). (Chinese) [human rights, homosexuality]

La Haye, Beverly (1990): Who will save our children? 30 strategies for protecting your chil from a threatening world (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth and Hyatt Publishers). [children]

Larson, Bob (1986): Rock for those who listen to the words and don’t like what they hear (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House). [amusement]

Lester, Lane P. and Hefley, James C. (1998): Human cloning: playing God or scientific progress? (Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell). [reproductive technology]

Lo, Ping-cheung (1991): Understanding applied dogmatics (Taipei, Taiwan: Fellowship of Evangelical Students). (Chinese) [government]

Lo, Ping-cheung (2010): Freedom and its moral boundary (Hong Kong: Logos). (Chinese) [human rights]

MacMillan, John A. (1980): Encounter with darkness (Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications). [occultism]

Marshall, Paul (1984): Thine is the kingdom, a biblical perspective on the nature of government and politics today (Southampton, UK: Marshall Morgan and Scott). [politics]
馬素爾著,蔡鄭寶璇譯:《神旨.人治——從聖經看政、經、社會》香港,福音證主協會,1990[Chinese translation by Maria Cheng]

McBrien, Richard P. (1987): Caesar’s coin: religion and politics in America (New York, NY: Macmillan). [politics]

McDowell, Josh and Hostetler, Bob (1994): Right from wrong (Dallas, TX: Word Publishing). [education]

McDowell, Josh and Stewart, Don (1992): The occult: the authority of the believer over the powers of darkness (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson). [occultism]

Minnery, Tom (2001): Why you can’t stay silent: a Biblical mandate to shape our culture (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House). [social action]

Mouw, Richard J. (1976): Politics and the Biblical drama (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker). [politics]

Neal, Connie (2001): What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter? (Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press). [occultism]

Neuer, Werner, tr. Gordon J. Wenham (1990): Man and woman in Christian perspective (Wheaton, IL: Crossay Books). [women in church]

North, Gary (1986): Unholy spirits: occultism and New Age humanism (Fort Worth, TX: Dominion Press). [occultism]

Olasky, Marvin (1988): Prodigal press: the anti-Christian bias of the American news media (Wheaton, IL: Crossay Books). [media bias]

Olasky, Marvin et al (1988): Freedom, justice, and hope: toward a strategy for the poor and the oppressed (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books). [social responsibility]

Payne, Franklin E. (1985): Biblical/medical ethics: the Christian and the practice of medicine (Milford, MI: Mott Media). [euthanasia]

Peters, Dan and Peters, Steve (1984): Why knock rock? (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House). [amusement]

Powell, John (1981): Abortion: the silent holocaust (Allen, TX: Argus Communications). [abortion]

Reagan, Ronald (1984): Abortion and the conscience of the nation (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson). [abortion]

Scheer, David W. (1986): PG: a parental guide to rock (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications). [amusement]

Sears, Alan and Osten, Craig (2003): The homosexual agenda: exposing the principal threat to religious freedom today (Washington, DC: Alliance Defense Fund). [homosexuality]
西爾斯、奧斯顿著,陳恩明譯:《移風易俗的同性戀運動》香港,明光,2009[Chinese translation by Youngman Chan]

Swindoll, Charles R. (1990): Sanctity of life: the inescapable issue (Dallas, TX: Word Publishing). [principles]

Thoburn, Robert L. (1984): Christian and politics (Tyler, TX: Thoburn Press). [politics]

Vroblesky, Virginia (1992): The gift of creation (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress). [environment]

Non-Christian References:

Bender, David L. (1984): American values: opposing viewpoints (St. Paul, MN: Greenhaven Press).

D’Emilio, John and Freedman, Estelle B. (1991): “Sexuality in contemporary America.” In Social fabric, ed. John H. Cary and Julius Weinberg (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall), vol.2, 343-355. [sexuality]

Dunham, Barrows (1971): Ethics dead and alive (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf).

Falikowski, Anthony F. (1990): Moral philosophy: theory, skills, and applications (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall).

Hudon, Yeager (1991): The philosophy of religion (Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing). (chapter 7 only)

Kaplan, Abraham (1977): In pursuit of wisdom: the scope of philosophy (Beverly Hills, CA: Glencoe Press). (chapters 9,10,11 only)

Kilpatrick, William K. (1992): Why Johnny can’t tell right from wrong (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster). [education]

Lacey, A.R. (1986): A dictionary of philosophy (New York, NY: Routledge).

Levine, Carol, ed. (1991): Taking sides: clashing views on controversial bioethical issues (Guiford, CT: Dushkin).

MacIntyre, Alasdair (1966): A short history of ethics (New York, NY: Macmillan).

McCormick, Richard A. (1981): How brave a new world: dilemmas in bioethics (New York, NY: Doubleday).

Smith, Wesley J. (1997): Forced exit: the slippery slope from assisted suicide to legalized murder (Toronto, ON: Random House). [euthanasia]

Smith, Wesley J. (2000): Culture of death: the assault on medical ethics in America (San Francisco, CA: Encounter Books). [euthanasia]

Sterba, James P., ed. (1988): Morality in practice (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth).

Stevens, Jay (1991): “The counterculture.” In Social fabric, ed. John H. Cary and Julius Weinberg (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall), vol.2, 309-327. [counterculture]

Thomson, Judith J. and Dworkin, Gerald, eds. (1968): Ethics (New York, NY: Harper and Row).

Tribe, David (1972): Nucleoethics (London, UK: Paladin).

Van Hoose, William H. and Kottler, Jeffrey A. (1977): Ethical and legal issues in counseling and psychotherapy (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers).


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