[6]    God: Nature and Attributes

22.    How does the Bible describe God?

a. Nature or essence of God: (1) God is spirit – God is a non-corporeal Being, unique, and indivisible (Jn 1:18; 4:24; 1Ti 1:17; 6:15-16); the anthropomorphism of describing God as possessing eyes, ears and other body parts is simply analogy that human can understand (Ex 3:20; Isa 37:17)

(2) God is personal – God is not an impersonal force; he has self-consciousness and self-determination (Ex 3:14); God loves (Rev 3:19) and hates (Pr 6:16).

(3) Unity – There is only one God (monotheism, Dt 6:4; 1Co 8:6); the plural word Elohim (Gen 1:26) only indicates dignity and majesty of God.

(4) Trinity – God is three persons in one.

b. Incommunicable attributes (character) of God (not present in man):

(1) Independence, self-existence: God’s existence does not depend on anything outside of Himself (Jn 5:26; Ro 11:33)

(2) Immutability or constancy: God’s character is unchanged. (Mal 3:6; Jas 1:17; 1Sa 15:29)

(3) Infinity: God is without limit. (1Ki 8:27; Ps 145:3; Ac 17:24)

c. Communicable attributes (some resemblance in man):

(1) Wisdom: God knows what is best so He decides on the most worthy ends and on the choice of the best means to realize those ends. (Ro 11:33-34, Ps 19:1-7)

(2) Goodness: God deals kindly with all His creatures. (Ex 33:19; Mt 5:45, 6:26; Ps 145:9)

(3) Love: God relates compassionately to His creatures with His benevolent affection, good will, and empathic understanding; He seeks the highest good for humans. (Ps 103:17; Eph 2:4-5; 1Jn 4:8,10)

23.    God is changeless. How do we explain ‘God repents’?

24.    God is holy and righteous. Why did He create sin?

25.    Jealousy appears to be a negative emotion. How can a loving God be jealous?