Liberal theology |
trusting the moral capability of man |
Social gospel |
crusading for a Kingdom of social justice |
Pietism |
seeking deeper spiritual experience |
Neo-orthodox theology |
dialectical theology |
Secular theology |
refitting Christianity for the secular world |
Existential theology |
Christianity in terms of man's subjective existence |
Process theology |
the evolving God |
Death-of-God theology |
absence of God from all aspects of mankind |
Ecumenism |
towards a unity of religion |
Black theology |
suffering and freedom |
Liberation theology |
Christians of the revolution |
Theology of hope |
hope of the future in God's promise |
Feminist theology |
fighting the inequality of the sexes |
Contextualization |
put Christianity into the context of the indigenous
culture |
Evangelicalism |
spreading the good news of the changeless Bible |
Fundamentalism |
no compromise on Biblical truth |
Conservative theology |
preserve traditional doctrines |
Dispensationalism |
God's different treatment to different times |
Altizer, Thomas (1927- ), American |
Death-of-God theology |
God died on the cross |
Barth, Karl (1886-1968), Swiss |
Neo-orthodox theology |
Jesus as the revealed word of God |
Berkouwer, Gerrit (1903- ), Dutch |
Evangelicalism |
the humanity of the Bible |
Bloch, Ernst (1885-?), German |
Theology of hope |
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945), German |
Secular theology |
the cost of discipleship |
Bruce, Frederick, English |
Evangelicalism |
evangelical exegesis |
Brunner, Emil (1889-1966), Swiss |
Neo-orthodox theology |
I-Thou relationship between man and God |
Bultmann, Rudolf (1884-1976), German |
Existential theology |
demythologization, gospel without myth |
Carnell, Edward (1920-1967), American |
Conservative theology |
spokesman of conservative theology |
Chang Lit-Sang, Chinese |
Contextualization |
Christianity supercedes Chinese culture |
Chang Lit-Sang, Chinese |
Evangelicalism |
repelling humanism |
Chow Yi-Fu, Chinese |
Contextualization |
Christianity explained in concepts of Chinese
philosophy |
Cox, Harvey (1929- ), American |
Secular theology |
secularization not secularism |
Cullmann, Oscar (1902- ), Swiss |
Historical theology |
the importance of salvation history |
Finney, Charles (1792-1875), American |
Evangelicalism |
promoting revival |
Fosdick, Harry (1878-1960), American |
Liberal theology |
religion to serve the society |
Gutierrez, Gustavo (1928- ), Peruvian |
Liberation theology |
salvation is liberation |
Hamilton, William (1924- ), American |
Death-of-God theology |
losing hope with God |
Hartshorne, Charles (1897-?), American |
Process theology |
Henry, Carl (1913- ), American |
Evangelicalism |
revelation as truth |
Hodge, Charles (1797-1878), American |
Evangelicalism |
great systematic theologian since the Reformation |
Hsu Hsiung-Sze, Chinese |
Contextualization |
comparison of Christianity and Chinese culture |
International Council of Christian Churches |
Ecumenism |
doctrinal purity above unity |
Kierkegaard, Soren (1813-1855), Dane |
Existential theology |
the infinite gulf between God and man |
King, Martin Luther (1929-1968), American |
Black theology |
dream of justice |
Koyama, Kosuke (1929- ), Japanese |
Contextualization |
God in a tranquil culture of southeast Asia |
Kung, Hans (1928- ), Swiss |
Ecumenism |
Catholic rebel |
Lindsell, Harold, American |
Conservative theology |
battle of the Bible |
Lusanne Congress (1974) |
Ecumenism |
gospel as well as social responsibility |
Machen, Gresham (1881-1937), American |
Fundamentalism |
battling with liberal theology in America |
Mbiti, John (1931- ), Kenyan |
Contextualization |
no imported Christianity |
Moltmann, Jurgen (1926- ), German |
Theology of hope |
the crucified God |
Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892-1971), American |
Neo-orthodox theology |
Christianity's social relevance |
Pannenberg, Wolfhart (1928- ), German |
Historical theology |
faith rooted in history |
Rahner, Karl (1904- ), German |
Secular theology |
anonymous Christianity |
Ramm, Bernard (1916- ), American |
Evangelicalism |
action from evangelical heritage |
Rauschenbusch, Walter (1861-1918), American |
Liberal theology |
sin is selfishness |
Ritschl, Albrecht (1822-1899), German |
Liberal theology |
Jesus the perfect man |
Ruether, Rosemary, American |
Feminist theology |
promoting full humanity of women |
Schaeffer, Francis (1912-1984), American |
Evangelicalism |
philosophical apologete |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768-1834), German |
Liberal theology |
romantic religion |
Scofield, Cyrus (1843-1921), American |
Dispensationalism |
the influential commentary |
Spencer, Philip (1635-1705) |
pietism |
protesting formalism of religion |
Stott, John, English (1921- ), English |
Evangelicalism |
defender of evangelical faith and a total gospel |
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955), French |
Process theology |
evolutionary theology |
Teng, Philip, Chinese |
Evangelicalism |
Christianity without excesses |
Thielicke, Helmut (1908- ), German |
Evangelicalism |
preaching to modern people |
Tillich, Paul (1886-1965), German |
Existential theology |
God as ground of being |
Tse Fu-Ya, Chinese |
Contextualization |
concept of God in Chinese culture |
Van Buren, Paul (1924- ), American |
Death-of-God theology |
a religion suitable for modern man |
Vatican I (1869-1870) |
Ecumenism |
papal infallibility |
Vatican II (1962-1965) |
Ecumenism |
retreat from excesses |
von Harnack, Adolf (1851-1931), German |
Liberal theology |
quest of historical Christianity |
Warfield, Benjamin (1851-1915), American |
Evangelicalism |
the infallible Bible |
Whitehead, Alfred (1861-1947), English |
Process theology |
World Council of Churches |
Ecumenism |
unity above doctrine |
World Evangelical Fellowship |
Ecumenism |
unity in spreading the gospel |