VOLUME TWO. The Reformation to the Present Day.
What were the factors that accelerated the call for reformation of the
Why did the 95 Theses cause major reaction from everyone?
How did Luther understand: (a) the Bible as the Word of God, (b)
constant dialectic between law and gospel, (c) presence of Christ in the holy communion, and (d) the two kingdoms of church and
state? Is his understanding identical to what we believe today?
How did the political circumstances at that time help the success of
The German reformists were willing to retain all traditional uses that
did not contradict the Bible while the Swiss reformists insisted that all that
had not explicit scriptural support must be rejected. What was the cause of
this difference? Which position was the correct one?
Why were the Anabaptists persecuted?
Can we see the influence of the Anabaptists today?
Is pacifism a Biblical mandate?
What was the main theological difference between the Lutheran church
and the Reformed church? Who held the Biblical position?
How was the Reformation in
What were the favourable conditions that led the Scandinavian countries
follow Protestantism?
What were the factors that led to the eventual liberation of the
The Edict of
Henry Bourbon (later Henry IV) changed his religion (between Catholic
and Protestant) 5 times due to political expediency. How should we judge his
What were the good and the bad about Jimenez, the Inquisitor General of
the Spanish Inquisition?
What were the unbiblical decisions made at the Council of Trent? What
were the Protestant positions for those issues?
What was the main reason for the many religious wars? Was it a
legitimate reason?
Why was the 17th-c described as the age of dogma? What new movements were the reaction to this?
What were the results of the Catholic-Protestant Thirty Years’ War?
What were the results of persecution of the French Huguenots?
What were the emphases of the Puritans? Were they Biblical?
What churches today came from the heritage of the Puritans? How did
they affect other churches today?
What 2 works of Puritan literature are still influential today?
What were the different movement within the
Catholic church that opposed the official positions? Were they Biblical?
Melanchthon’s position on human free will and presence of Christ in
communion were different from the Strict Lutherans. Which position was more
Calixtus tried to lay the foundation of compromise between different
Protestant traditions (confessions) by differentiating essential and secondary
doctrines. In contrast, Calovius declared that everything in the Bible was
absolutely necessary to be a Christian. Which one is the better position? Why?
What was Calixtus’s basis for differentiating essential and secondary
doctrines? Was he correct? Was he a syncretist?
Does a compromise on peripheral elements of faith a
surrender? Will the case be different during time of persecution? How
about a different interpretation of the mode of baptism? Is it essential?
Is Arminianism heretical? What about Methodists’ adoption of
Are the 5 points of predestination in Calvinism fully supported by the
Were the 5 points of predestination (as defined by the Synod of Dort
and the Westminster Confession) originally intended by Calvin?