14.  Christian liberty IV: Pagan feasts (1Co 10:14-11:1)
Context:  Paul completes his argument for prohibition against pagan feasts (chapters 8 to 10) which are totally incompatible with the Christian life. On the other hand, he allows consumption of meat sold in the marketplace which may have been consecrated to idols or even butchered by pagan priests.
  • The Corinthians are confused about the true basis of Christian behaviour. For them, it was a question of knowledge and rights (Greek gnosis and exousia). For Paul, it is a question of love and freedom (Greek agape and eleutheria). Knowledge and rights lead to pride; love and freedom lead to edification. The bottom line is the benefit of someone else--that they may be saved. Personal freedom is not the summum bonum (highest good) of Christian life; seeking the good of others is.