Book Sharing for 060813



Author (Year) Title




Lam, Irene

李耀全牧師(2003): 全心信箱




Fan, Anita

Paul M. Anderson, ed. (1998): Professors who believe

This book includes the stories of twenty-two Christian faculty, who tell readers about their life journey with God. They come from a wide variety of academic disciplines. They write not only about their faith but their experience in thriving in the university world which is often seen as a hothouse of anti-Christian bias.



Lam, Ernest

Neil T. Anderson(2004)

靠真理的靈分辨(Finding God’s Will in Spiritually Deceptive Times)





Chan, Agnes

Billy Graham (1953, 1985): Peace With God

There is no peace without God. This book points the way to authentic personal peace in a world in crisis. It first looks at the problems of the human race (sin & death); then surveys God’s plan to help mankind (Christ Jesus); lastly gives the guidelines for a mature Christian living (peace & eternality).

What constitutes sin in the eyes of God?

(1) Sin is lawlessness, the transgression of the law of God such as the Ten Commandments, Sermon of the Mount. (2) Bible describes sin as iniquity – deviation from right with own inner motivations such as evil thoughts, adulteries, etc. (3) Bible defines sin as missing the mark (live up to the life of Christ), falling short of the goal that has been set (4) Sin is a form of trespass – centers entire attention on his own being, regards only his own interests and fights to protect his own rights. (5) Sin is unbelief – rejects the words of God and refuses Christ as Savior.

Lee, Philip

梁永泰 (2002): 新領袖 DNA





Lo, Oscar

John Eldredge: Wild at Heart

The Authur explained that how every man has his wild side; how every boy aspires to become dangerous, a fighter, a hero. The authur pointed out 3 universal things that men desire. God ingrained these desires into men when He created them. These desires may be misplaced, forgotten or misdirected, but at the heart of every man is a desparate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescure. Any attempt to tame these desires will result in a lost man. A man without a soul so to say. The author tried to explain how modern day men (especially Christian men) lost these natural desires. And he tried to guide the men readers to rediscover their heart, their inner desires so that they may live the life he and most of all God wanted him to live. And as a result they may live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


What kind of games do you play with your friends when you were a child?  Do you think these gender differences are results of nature or nurturing? 

The Author pointed out that God designed men and women to be different.

Zia, Karl

蕭壽華 (2000):貼近主心懷



(1) 無論崇拜或個人的日常生活都要留意神的大能和恩典﹐保持敬拜的心。(2) 明白敬拜、歌頌和讚美是對神的獻祭﹐為神所悅納﹐並能改變我們的信心和感受。(3) 要靠神的能力謙卑﹐以神為中心。(4) 敬拜的心不是自我陶醉﹐而且是通常產生愛的行動。