Themes & Questions for Readings: 060813


APOLOGETICS: God and the Tsunami—Theology in the Headlines, Part 1 (050103)


THEME: There are questions concerning God when large scale disasters occur. Christians need to react in a proper way based on the Bible.




What is the problem facing Christians after large scale disasters like the tsunami on Dec 26, 2004?


What are the improper responses?

(1) Atheists and agnotics: God does not exist.


(2) Some Christians give an answer of doubt.


(3) Some Christians give an answer of rebuke.


What are the propert Christian attitudes?

(1) A faithful Christian response will affirm the true character and power of God—He is both omnipotent and benevolent.


(2) We must speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Scripture is silent. Christians must avoid offering explanations when God has not revealed an explanation.


(3) Christians must respond to a crisis like this by weeping with those who weep, by praying with fervent faithfulness, by offering concrete assistance in Christ’s name




APOLOGETICS: God and the Tsunami—Theology in the Headlines, Part 2 (050104)


THEME: Christians need to respond to large scale disasters by: (1) affirming that God is omnipotent and loving, (2) avoiding attempts to explain what God has not explained in the Bible, (3) acting to demonstrate the love of Christ by sympathy and generosity through relief efforts.




Affirmation: How do Christians affirm the true character of God?



Avoidance: What kind of explanation should be avoided?


Action: How should Christians act when disasters happen?




THEOLOGY: The Salvation of the ‘Little Ones’: Do Infants who Die Go to Heaven?


THEME: Based on the Bible, infant or young child who died will go to heaven.




Which are the wrong answers to the question whether dead infants will be saved or not?


What is the position of most orthodox theologians?


What is the Biblical support for this position?




ETHICS: The Culture of Death and Its Legacy (040512)


THEME: The world is hailing the Culture of Death and moving toward the death of culture. The church must move against this trend by hailing God’s Culture of Life and sharing it with the world.




What does the Culture of Death represent?


What is the clearest evidence of the expansion of the Culture of Death?


What are the evidences of the rise of the Culture of Death?


What is the underlying cause of all these changes?


What should the church do?