Church News

Theology: Eucharist


>> = Important Articles; ** = Major Articles


Meaning of Eucharist for our lives:





Meaning of Eucharist for our lives:


(1)  Past: Christ died for us to redeem us: our Faith; we are to receive grace and blessings from God through the participation of the eucharist


(2)  Present: we are of one body with brothers and sisters and should love them: our Love; we were in the bondage of sin but now we are in the bond of love


(3)  Future: we partake the Lord’s Supper until Jesus’ second coming (1Co 11:26): our Hope; we joyfully look forward to sharing the feast in heaven with all our brothers and sisters, including those who already died


We remember our vertical relationship of our outward lives, we reflect on the death of Christ and we rededicate our lives to our Lord.


We remember our horizontal relationship of our outward lives, we (remind) ourselves of others in Christ and we respect our brothers and sisters.


We remember our inward lives, we rejoice for our everlasting life and we renew our strength to live our spirit filled lives.



The time

the element

the direction

the inward action

the outward action

