December 2014


Dear all,


After my retirement in March 2011, I have been very busy—full time serving our heavenly Father. My wife Evangeline passed away five years ago and I look forward to meet her again in heaven.


God has arranged for me to have many opportunities to teach. Like in 2013, I again preached in Sunday services a total of 26 times. In July, I travelled to England for five weeks helping London and Cambridge Chinese churches, doing much work and meeting many devout Christians.


I continue to write news analyses for Herald Monthly (號角月報, Chinese Christian newspaper) for my 25th year. I also direct two choirs and sing in one.


My book Outline of Christian Ethics (基督教倫理學簡介) was published in 2010 (traditional Chinese) and in 2012 (simplified Chinese). This year, the English version was published by Westbow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan. My plan is to write two more books in systematic theology and apologetics although progress has been slow.


My daughter Melody teaches violin and piano students but is a full time mother. She and Raymond have 5 children, aged from 1 to 6. Raymond Wong continues to work as a hardware engineer at Ericsson.


My son Stephen completed his Master of Divinity in May at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. He is serving as a Youth Pastor in Kingston. He still has never had a girlfriend, and he is thankful that nearly nobody asks him about it.


You can find more information from my website:


I wish you a blessed 2015 full of joy and blessings!


