[11]    Christ: Prophesies in Old Testament, Genealogies

38.    The central theme of the whole Bible is Christ. In what way is Christ represented in the whole Bible?

a. The word Christ (Gr. christos) means "the anointed one".   b. Appearance of the person of Christ as the angel of Yahweh (to Hagar, Gen 16:7-14; to Abraham, Gen 18:1-15; to Jacob, Gen 31:10-13; 32:24-30; to Moses, Ex 3:2; to Israel, Ex 14:19; to Balaam, Nu 22:22; to Gideon, Jdg 6:11-24)   c. Typology of Christ: (1) People: Aaron (Heb 5:4-6), Abel, Adam (1Co 15:45-47), Benjamin, David, Isaac, Jonah, Joseph, Joshua, Kinsman-redeemer (Lev 25:48-49), Melchizedek, Moses   (2) Things: Clothing of Adam and Eve, the Ark, Sacrifices, Tabernacle, Aaron’s rod (Nu 17), Bronze serpent (Nu 21), Smitten rock (1Co 10:4), Cities of refuge (Nu 25)

(3) Others: Deliverance from Egypt, Passover, Entrance into Promised Land, Sacrifice rituals, Priesthood, 7 Feasts of Jehovah (Lev 23)

(4) New Testament Gospels: King, Servant, Man, God (Rev 4:7) represented by Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle

39.    Where can we find prophesies about Christ in the Old Testament? a. Lineage: (verses after ">>" indicate fulfilment) b. Birth: c. Life: d. Death: e. Resurrection (Ps 16:10; 49:15>>Mk 16:6-7; Ac 2:25-31; 13:34-37)   f. Ascension to God’s right hand (Ps 68:18>>Mk 16:19; Ac 7:55)

g. To be fulfilled in the future: (1) will come back in glory (Ps 24; 72; Da 7:13-14), (2) as a king (Ps 2; Ps 110; Nu 24:17; Isa 9:6-7; Jer 23:5-6; Zec 9:9)

h. The fulfilment of these prophesies in the person of Jesus clearly shows that Jesus is the Christ in the Bible because the probability of fulfilling all these prophecies by chance or by human manipulation is practically zero.

40.    Jesus Christ is called the only begotten son of God (Heb 1:4-5, 1Jn 4:9). What is the meaning of "son"? 41.    How do we explain two different genealogies of Jesus in the gospels?