TITLE: Christian Ethics 基督教倫理學

Short Assignment 1

短作業一 (Due: July 20, 2011)

























Study the following 3 controversial ethical cases and select ONE. (1) Analyze the case using Biblical and other ethical principles, and (2) select and explain a course of action that you would take. (up to 1000 Chinese words)



CASE 1: Principle: Deathbed promise.


As John’s father lies dying, he asks his son one last favor: “Please be sure my horses have the best care. Be sure they get the best food, all the veterinary care they need, and proper grooming and exercise each day.” In his grief, John unthinkingly gives his solemn word. Within a week, Dad is gone, and John begins shouldering the burden of his father’s request. The horses cost money—lots of it. The $20,000 Dad left is soon gone. Now John is paying from his own pocket, and he begins to wonder why he agreed to his father’s request. Yet since promise-keeping is an absolute duty, he resolves to continue. His wife, Kathryn, pressures him to sell the horses. The money drain is causing serious hardship for the children. Why should John keep a silly promise to a dead man, she wonders? However, John is reminded by someone at church that in writing wills we do expect others to fulfill our wishes after we die and that there is a similar case in Judges 11:29-40. John is caught between following an absolute rule (i.e., promise-keeping), which harms his family, and breaking the rule to benefit his family.


You are John’s friend and he asks for your advice. What do you think he should do?



CASE 2: Love: Unconditional love.


Shirai was a young Japanese wife whose husband was the traditional lord of the house. When she came to faith in Christ, he was furious. If she ever went to that Christian meeting again, he warned, she would be locked out. Sunday night Shirai came home to a darkened, locked home. She slept on the doorstep till morning, and when her husband opened the door, she smiled sweetly and hurried to prepare the best possible breakfast for him. Every Sunday and every Wednesday, the story was the same. Winter came, and with it the rain and cold. Shirai huddled in the darkness as her wet cotton padded jacket froze about her. Week after week for six months she forgave, freely and fully. No recriminations, no sulking. It was costly—she bore his sin. But her poor husband finally could stand it no longer. Love finally won out. He became a fervent Christian later.


Was the response Shirai the most loving, or would other responses have been equally as loving? Please explain.



CASE 3: Euthanasia: Elderly cancer patient.


Eighteen months ago, a 71-year-old Christian woman developed cancer in a kidney. Physicians removed the kidney. Now, however, the cancer has spread to other parts of her body, including her brain, so she has become permanently unconscious. Her second kidney is now failing, and she needs dialysis. Dialysis might keep her alive for six to nine months. Without dialysis, she would probably survive a couple of weeks before drifting off into a relatively painless death. An experimental drug that might have some effect on her cancer is just coming onto the market. If she could survive for six months, this new drug might help her fight the cancer. Despite her insurance policy, all this treatment will surely deplete the woman’s considerable life savings. She never told her children how she felt about terminal care. Her son thinks death is inevitable and wants to avoid dialysis. He thinks bankrupting the family for a long shot is pointless. Her daughter, a Christian with a pro-life perspective, feels uneasy about not doing everything she can to help her mother.


You are a trusted friend of the daughter; you have pro-life sympathies and a background in medicine. Your friend comes to you for guidance. What should you say?